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Growing Pains


January has been quite a peculiar month: I’m going through another growing pain. Not your prepubescent type of pain, more along the lines of spiritual. Growing pains for me are the equivalent of being a 5’10” flesh & bone body being stretched into a 9 foot frame. It can be quite uncomfortable at first. Usually I’ll start of with an open mind, followed by some resistance, add a dash of defiance and top that off with a full out temper tantrum!

Ya, I can be a bit of a diva at times… But remember, chronologically I’m only 26 that’s an atom compared to how old my soul is or better yet how old the Universe is! — So I have my fit, rightfully — I am GROWING afterall. Then eventually I hop on board again.

I could lessen the blow by going with the flow, but sometimes we manifest unpleasant situations (ie. chaos) to help push us in a particular direction. In other words, find out what you don’t like in order to find out what you do. Some learn by here say, I learn from experience.

Patiently (I’ve already gone through that growing pain) enduring this period of adjustment/ growth/ change/ evolvement I surf the net for some guru guidance. Now I’m a firm believer in ask and it shall be given, so I ask God or my Higher Self to bring clarity to the tumult I’ve manifested. That’s when I came across manifesting mentor Andrea Hess’s article on “How to Turn Regret Into Opportunity”.

Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding!! Thank you, Guides! It was clear as day — I was experiencing regret. Regret?! What is this thing you speak of? I had never felt this feeling before or at least never processed it. I ran from regret, always thought it was wrong to regret, maybe even crippling. And it surely can be if you don’t process your feelings/ emotions.

Intently reading the article, I began to notice a weight being lifted as I digested the information. Chills thrilled along my backside indicating synchronicity. Tears began to take shape along my ducts, I was experiencing a turning point.

And for now, that’s exactly what I need.

Spiritual Peace and Prosperity                  Consciously Birthing 2010